What is The Hardest Material on Earth?
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After Russia pledged to scale back its military operations around Kyiv and in northern Ukraine, the prices of most industrial metals fell, led by aluminum, showing people's concerns for supply shortage eased.
At an earlier time, the West imposed sweeping sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, which aroused concerns about the supply problem because Russia is a major producer of nickel, aluminum, and copper.
Russia is also a major gas supplier to Europe, where potential supply disruptions are seen as hitting power-intensive aluminum and zinc boron nitride,graphene are still very uncertain.
Of all the materials discovered or created on earth, diamond is the seventh hardest. There are six materials being harder than diamonds.
6. Wurtzite boron nitride
Besides carbon, many other atoms or compounds can form crystals, and boron nitride is one of them. The combination of boron and nitrogen, fifth and seventh on the periodic table, can produce a variety of possibilities, including amorphous, hexagonal (similar to graphite), cubic (similar to diamond but less structurally strong), and wurtzite.
The last of these is extremely extreme, but also extremely hard. The substance is formed during volcanic eruptions, and so far only very small amounts have been found, so we can't test its hardness experimentally. But the latest simulations show it can form a different type of lattice, tetrahedral rather than a face-centered cube, and 18 percent harder than diamond.
5. Lansdale stone
If there are no impurities in the blue Adele stone, its strength and hardness will be better than pure diamond.
Imagine a carbon-rich meteorite hurtling through the atmosphere and colliding with the earth's surface. You might think that a meteorite falling at high speed would become extremely hot from the inside out, but in reality, only the outer layers of a meteorite get hot. The inside is still cool.
But at the moment of impact, the pressure inside the meteorite would exceed any reaction on the surface, causing the graphite in the meteorite to compress into a different crystal structure. The new structure is not a cube-like diamond, but a hexagonal crystal system that is 58 percent harder than a diamond. Although bluestelle stone often contains a lot of impurities in practice, resulting in hardness lower than fossils; in theory, if a meteorite made of pure graphite with no impurities hit the surface, the resulting material would be far harder than all diamonds on Earth.
4. Dyneema
Dyneema is the strongest fibrous material known to man.
Puma is a thermoplastic polyethylene polymer with high molecular weight. Most molecules we know of are only a few thousand atomic mass units, but UHMWPE's chains are so long that one molecule can weigh millions of atomic mass units.
With such a long chain of molecules, the interactions between molecules are greatly enhanced, resulting in a material that is naturally hard to overlook. The material has the highest impact strength of any known thermoplastic and has been called the strongest fiber in the world, outperforming any anchor rope or tow rope on the market. Not only does it weigh less than water, but it’s also bulletproof, and it's 15 times stronger than its steel equivalent.
3. Palladium micro-alloy glass
Palladium micro alloys are the best-known materials for combining high strength and toughness.
All physical materials have two important properties: strength and toughness; Strength refers to the force required for a material to deform, and toughness refers to the force required for a material to fracture or break. Most ceramic materials are of great strength and have insufficient toughness. It is easy to be broken when clamped too tightly or accidentally dropped. Rubber and other elastic materials are just the opposite, although not easy to break, but very easy to deformation, hardness is very low.
Most glass materials are fragile, with high strength and low toughness. But in 2011, researchers created a new type of micro-alloy glass that contains phosphorus, silicon, germanium, silver, and palladium. Palladium forms shear bands that allow the glass to deform under stress without breaking. The material's combination of extreme strength and toughness not only beats steel handily, but no other material on this list comes close. In short, it's the hardest carbon-free material in the world.
2. Bucky paper
Bucky paper made of carbon nanotubes can block the passage of particles larger than 50 nanometers in diameter. It has unique physical, chemical, electrical and mechanical properties. Although it can be folded or cut, the material is extremely strong. With no impurities at all, it can be 500 times stronger than steel of the same volume.
Since the late 20th century, a type of material called carbon nanotubes has enjoyed the reputation of being harder than diamonds. The material belongs to the hexagonal crystal system, the structure of the overall elliptic, more stable than any structure known to man. If you combine lots of carbon nanotubes into a flat surface, you get a thin sheet of paper called bucky paper.
In addition to bucky paper, there is an equally hard structure called a buckyball, which consists of sixty carbon atoms bound together. Buckyballs are also natural materials that can form in certain cosmic environments. Although buckyballs have been used in the nanosphere, they haven't been quantified enough to be useful on a macro scale, so they don't make the list.
The nanotubes that makeup bucky paper, by contrast, are only two to four nanometers in diameter, but the structures are so strong that they can be combined into large sheets of material. It weighs only 10 percent as much as steel but is hundreds of times stronger. In addition, this material has fire resistance, high heat conduction efficiency, and outstanding electromagnetic shielding ability, which has rich application prospects in material science, electronic components, military, and even biological fields. But bucky paper can't be made of 100 percent nanotubes, so it didn't make the top spot.
1. Graphene
Graphene is the most basic structural element of carbon nanotubes, which are widely used.
For its thickness, graphene is the strongest material known, with unrivaled thermal and electrical conductivity and a light transmittance close to 100%. The 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Andrei Geim and Konstantin Novoselov for their experiments with graphene.
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Greece will hand over Iranian oil it intercepted from a Russian-flagged tanker to the United States at the request of the U.S. Justice Department, Greek port police said recently, AFP reported. The decision angered Tehran.
In April, Greek authorities reportedly seized a Russian oil tanker, the Pegas, which was said to be heading to the Turkish port of Marmara.
Reports say the ship was docked in Calistos Bay with a crew of several people said to be Russian. The Greek coast guard said the ship had been renamed the Lana.
The report notes that the European Union imposed sanctions on Russia after the conflict broke out in February. Greek authorities seized the tanker in accordance with European Union sanctions.
According to information at the time, the tanker was carrying 115,000 tons of Iranian oil.
Iran's Ports and Maritime Organization strongly protested Greece's decision, calling it an "international bandit." "The Islamic Republic of Iran will not give up its legitimate rights and expects the Greek government to abide by its international obligations in the area of navigation and shipping," it said in a statement on its website.
Iran's Foreign Ministry, through the International Maritime Organization, called on the Greek government to release the tanker and its crew overnight, adding that "the Americans discharged their cargo," the report said.
Athens did not immediately respond to the Iranian protest and gave no further details about the oil on board or how it was handed over to the United States, the report said.
The boron nitride,graphene price is expected to increase in the next few days affected by the change in supply and demand markets.
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